Our e-mail address is 2023dialogueforlife@gmail.com

Notre adresse courriel 2023dialogueforlife@gmail.com

Continuing to Embellish my Life Path


Presented by: René Ruperthouse & Dany Ouellet, Pikogan Health Centre

Workshop description:

A presentation of the post-therapy program developed in Pikogan called ANI MIN8ACIN: Continue to improve my way of living.

This is a three phase’s project of five meetings of 3 hours to enrich the treatment that has already begun in the intensive therapy to help moving from the stage of "survivor" to "living being." We present the different themes and will experience some exercises together: the impact of our beliefs, the effects of the application in everyday living, passions, giving-receiving balance, kinesthetic exercises, etc.

To honor the life is ...

Grieving ceremony


Presented by: Bill Constant

Workshop description:
In this workshop, focus will be on helping people recover from the loss of loved ones and how to carry on from their losses. Discussion will be on traditional ceremonies and methods of dealing with grief, such as feasting, giveaways, offerings, prayers, and teachings.

Participants will be involved in an actual traditional grieving ceremony.

1 day workshop

Surviving after a suicide


Presented by: Bill Constant


Workshop description:

The purpose of this workshop is to help those who have lost loved ones to suicide, and for frontline workers who are helping others deal with loss through suicide. Risk factors and protective factors will be discussed at the individual, family and community levels. Stages of grief and the question as to why it happened is important. Most importantly, healing and recovery will be emphasized in this workshop including traditional grieving and healing methods.


Duration: Half a day

Teaching Parents/Community on how to support their Children’s Gender & coming out


Presented by: Native Youth Sexual Health Network

Workshop description:

Titled in the program as: "Teaching Parents/Community on how to support their Children’s Gender & coming out'' 

                       is now "Supporting inter-generational community-based responses to self-harm/suicide of Two Spirit and                                           Indigenous LGBTTIQQA youth" (19.11.2014)


This workshop will give an overview of the realities facing Two Spirit and Indigenous LGBTTIQQA youth in the context of understanding historical trauma and colonial violence to sexualities and genders. Situating ourselves in the workshop for action, together we will create arts-based responses to supporting Two Spirit and Indigenous LGBTTIQQA youth that are shame and stigma free, and meet them where they are at.

Campaining towards men that have violent behaviours


Presented by: Isabelle Paillé, Quebec Native Women Inc.

Workshop description:

We have created a toolkit for the counsellors in communities and in urban environment to ease their interventions with Aboriginal men with violent behaviour.

This toolkit is used by all services working with an Aboriginal approach on familial violence and also all that intervene with Aboriginals: shelters, all police forces, nurses, school counsellors, youth protection, CSSS, etc.

The toolkit was created for the awareness campaign for non-violence with Aboriginal men that have aggressive behaviours.