Our e-mail address is Info@dialogue-pour-la-vie.com

Notre adresse courriel Info@dialogue-pour-la-vie.com



During the 2017 Annual General Assembly, the Board of Directors was given the mandate to revise and present a new, revised and amended By-laws at the 2018 annual General Assembly.  

At the Annual General Assembly of 2018, the by-laws, that were worked on by certain Board Members, were tabled for discussion.  

There were two different opinions concerning the document with changes.  

The General By-Law is a major document and the members voiced that the document should be tabled for study, discussion and ratified at the 2019 Annual General assembly.   The document that was presented was a draft.  

It was also stated that the members at the 2017 Annual General Assembly had asked that the by-laws be revised and brought to the 2018 Annual General Assembly.  

It was agreed that the Annual General Assembly would adjourn and resume November 21, 2018 to continue the discussion on whether to accept the document or table it until the Annual General Assembly of 2019.   

At the November 21, 2018 meeting, it was decided that the document would be put on the First Nations & Inuit Suicide Prevention Association of Quebec & Labrador website and ask our members for their input.  

So please take the time to read the documents and send your point of view by e-mail to the First Nations & Inuit Suicide Association of Quebec & Labrador.

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