Our e-mail address is 2023dialogueforlife@gmail.com

Notre adresse courriel 2023dialogueforlife@gmail.com

Utilizing the circle of life teachings for healing work with the whole family


Presented by: Don Robinson


Workshop description:

Participants will have a chance to experience first-hand how the Circle of Life Teachings (medicine wheel) can be utilized throughout various healing opportunities. The Medicine Wheel will be utilized as a holistic model for doing healing work with Aboriginal families utilizing family therapy principles and techniques. Utilizing the Medicine Wheel perspective of the good life (Mino Pima Tisi Win) and incorporating an economic, political/historical, social and cultural framework, provides a foundation for understanding how Aboriginal families and communities have been negatively affected and in some instances, devastated.

The model developed is value-based and relationship focused with emphasis on including as many of the family group and community members as possible. 

Men’s Traditional Dance Workshop


Presented by: Gabriel Whiteduck

Workshop description:

My dance workshops are intended to lift the spirits of my participants. Encouraging people to express themselves in a positive way. This is accomplished by not only presenting the performing arts aspects of the dance, but also bringing the traditional teachings that follow suit.

After completing my workshops, participants have a better understanding of pow wow culture. Through explanation of pow wow protocol and songs, as well as pow wow regalia and its basic assembly. The idea is to give my participants an open door to a gift they might not know they have yet.

What is a warrior?


Presented by: Bill Constant

Workshop description:
This session will cover the historic role of a warrior; its purpose prior to contact. The impacts of colonization on the traditional role of the warrior will be discussed. Contemporary contexts of a warrior will be explored as to what it means to be a warrior today and how people can continue to carry on the importance of the warrior’s role in today’s world.

This workshop will emphasize discussions, small and large group work, role-plays and sharing. 

1 day workshop

Healing from sexual abuse


Presented by: Bill Constant

Workshop description:

This session will create awareness on the issue of sexual abuse and will provide a forum to discuss the impacts of sexual abuse on the community, the family, and the individual. Participants will have the opportunity to share their stories and healing journeys related to sexual abuse. The workshop will also focus on sharing ideas on workable solutions and protocols to deal with the issue of sexual abuse. Various methods of healing processes will be presented including sharing circles, presentations, role-plays and discussions. The goal of the workshop is to develop a workable template on steps to take to create a program to deal with sexual abuse in the community.


Weaving a Safety Net (for suicidal individuals)


Presented by: Kathleen Deschenes Cayer

Workshop description: 

Weaving a Safety Net (for suicidal individuals)

Mobilization workshop for key stakeholders to establish a suicide prevention action plan


       Identify the strengths and resources to build a healthy community

       Strengthen collaboration between stakeholders/partners involved in suicide prevention in and outside the community and clarify roles and responsibilities.

       Become familiar with effective practices  and tools in suicide prevention

       Develop a realistic and common action plan to prevent suicide

       Give a clear orientation to community efforts to prevent suicide