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Awareness of sexual abuse prevention (ATOS)


Presented by: Alice and Julie Verreault Echaquan, Council of the Atikamekw Nation (Social Services Manawan)

Workshop description: 

Description: Kweskatisiwin 2014-2019 action plan is to take concrete action to protect children and their families in order to promote life and the best individual and collective well-being within the members of Manawan.

The specific objective is to facilitate the participants' understanding on the types of sexual abuse and their consequences, how to identify warning signs and to develop the habit of setting up a safety net in case of doubt. All this is provided for children, young people and their parents in the natural environment.

Topics include: sexual abuse, consequences of sex abuse cycle, risk factors, related emotions, existing resources, Police (judicial process), how to take care of yourself...Project with the Centre d’expertise Marie-Vincent.