Our e-mail address is Info@dialogue-pour-la-vie.com

Notre adresse courriel Info@dialogue-pour-la-vie.com


Even though the name of the Association is directly linked to suicide prevention , its mission and its plan of action encompasses a larger range of activity which corresponds to the number of factors involved in the effect that social problems has among Aboriginal people. Furthermore, the action  plan falls alongside recommendations of most research and reports which explain the significant role of prevention and intervention in addressing problems linked with mental health among Aboriginal people. :

  • Follow up on activities of raising awareness and education the general population concerning the group of communities.
  • Increase the clinical training and professional support of Aboriginal community interveners in order to allow community members to:
  1. Develop intervention models which further the integration of contemporary and cultural clinical approaches
  2. Overcome the segmentation of different problems (addictions, suicide, physical and sexual abuse, depression, anxiety, etc.) by developing more integrated training and intervention models
  3. Develop intervention models aimed at family and community healing which include elders and natural helpers from the community
  4. Integrate research, with regards to  training and intervention, with a model respecting the idea of appropriate and community controlled knowledge
  5. Develop all pertinent networks with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal organizations